I meet Dr. Schürer in his office which is located in a small timber framing house surrounded by giant trees.
Dr. Schürer, please tell our readers what's special about this zoo ?
一番は、この風景です。たくさんの種類に富んだ大きな樹木や植物が公園かのような印象を与えるでしょう。 そしてその合間にどうぶつたちが暮らすモダンな動物舎がある、という市営の動物園なんですよ。
The landscape (rolling hills) in first place, a big variety of trees and plants give you a park like impression.
Inbetween you find modern enclosures where the animals live in. The zoo is municipally owned.
Dr. Schürer, please tell our readers what's special about this zoo ?
I am looking forward to the new outdoor enclosure for the pygmy chimpanzees as well as the new Okapi house to come and an outdoor aviary for the African shoebills and the Chinese storks.
Did you have a key moment which led you to become a zoo director ?
いいえ、私は10代の頃から既に飼育係として動物園で働いていました。 研究を終えた後も、引き続き動物園で働き続け、1988年に園長になったのです。
No. Being fond of animals when I was a teenager, I worked in this zoo as a zoo keeper already then.
After my studies I continued working here and in 1988 I became the director.
Do you have a favourite animal ?
もちろん!ただ、時とともにお気に入りは変わります。私は毎朝8時~9時半の間、獣医たちと一緒に動物園内を見回ります。そこでどうぶつたちと挨拶をしながらお互い仲良くなるのです。 ちなみに、最近はバクとヒョウがお気に入りですね。
Certainly ! I always had a favourite animal but it changes throughout the years. As I make the round in the zoo every single morning from 8-9:30 together with the veterinarian, the animals get to know me and some of them are so friendly and they say welcome to me. At present my favourite animals are a tapir and a leopard
Thank you very much, Dr. Schürer for giving us your personal impression.